History of the Kendall Showground
In the Hastings Shire Gazette of September 26th 1974 there appeared a historical review of the Camden Haven Show that makes interesting reading.
The Gazette states that at a meeting of the Agricultur-al Bureau in 1931 chaired by Mr. S.T. Boyd (pictured here) a motion was carried that a Junior Farmers Club be formed at Kendall. This show was held at the School in the Autumn of 1932 and was a great suc-cess. However, it was not until 1941 that the next show was held. It was decided that it should be held on the Sports Ground in November of that year. A lot of hard work ensued, poles cut for frameworks to be covered with tarpaulins for stalls, and coops for poultry. The Show was opened by Mr. Clive Evatt, the Ringmaster was A. Wal-lace-Smith. With World War II came expected difficulties but the 1942 show went ahead.
Soon after in 1944 it was felt that a showground was needed and about 30 acres of land was purchased on Batar Road from Mr. H. Everingham for ten pounds per acre. Two acres were later added from the Smith Estate on the northern end. It was years before the heavily timbered land was cleared and ready for a show. In 1948 a Show Committee was formed and the 3 committees were amalgamated to form the Camden Haven Show P.A.H & I Society, with H.W. Arnold President and J.W. Thickett as Secretary. The first Show on this ground was held in 1949.
Today the Kendall Showground is home to the annual Camden Haven Show as well as regular equestrian events, Camden Haven Pony Club, Kendall Men’s Shed, Camden Haven Boxing Team, Kendall Blues Football Club, Kendall Creative Workshop for young people, Kendall RDA, Kendall Markets and many, many other functions and events that happen within this magnificent community.
The Kendall Showground is unique, being one of only five privately owned Showgrounds in the New South Wales.
That’s right Council does not own the Kendall Showground. That’s why our members and supporters are so important.
The Camden Haven PAH & I SOC INC has to raise the money for all upkeep, maintenance and improvements on the grounds.
The Gazette states that at a meeting of the Agricultur-al Bureau in 1931 chaired by Mr. S.T. Boyd (pictured here) a motion was carried that a Junior Farmers Club be formed at Kendall. This show was held at the School in the Autumn of 1932 and was a great suc-cess. However, it was not until 1941 that the next show was held. It was decided that it should be held on the Sports Ground in November of that year. A lot of hard work ensued, poles cut for frameworks to be covered with tarpaulins for stalls, and coops for poultry. The Show was opened by Mr. Clive Evatt, the Ringmaster was A. Wal-lace-Smith. With World War II came expected difficulties but the 1942 show went ahead.
Soon after in 1944 it was felt that a showground was needed and about 30 acres of land was purchased on Batar Road from Mr. H. Everingham for ten pounds per acre. Two acres were later added from the Smith Estate on the northern end. It was years before the heavily timbered land was cleared and ready for a show. In 1948 a Show Committee was formed and the 3 committees were amalgamated to form the Camden Haven Show P.A.H & I Society, with H.W. Arnold President and J.W. Thickett as Secretary. The first Show on this ground was held in 1949.
Today the Kendall Showground is home to the annual Camden Haven Show as well as regular equestrian events, Camden Haven Pony Club, Kendall Men’s Shed, Camden Haven Boxing Team, Kendall Blues Football Club, Kendall Creative Workshop for young people, Kendall RDA, Kendall Markets and many, many other functions and events that happen within this magnificent community.
The Kendall Showground is unique, being one of only five privately owned Showgrounds in the New South Wales.
That’s right Council does not own the Kendall Showground. That’s why our members and supporters are so important.
The Camden Haven PAH & I SOC INC has to raise the money for all upkeep, maintenance and improvements on the grounds.